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Getting to the Bottom of Puzzling Emotions
by Barry Grosskopf, M.D.
ISBN: 978-1-889242-29-3 / ISBN-10: 1-889242-29-2, $16.95, trade paperback
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The traumas experienced by our parents and grandparents are silently influencing our own lives today. And we are influencing the lives of our own loved ones. Dr. Grosskopf draws sensitively from his patients’ histories in order to explain the types of recollections people have that cause them pain. Traumas may be big or small, and they range from wars to sexual abuse to grief unconsoled.

By truly imagining a parent’s childhood experience, you—an adult now—can feel what your parent felt. With true understanding comes the beginning of self-healing. Hidden in Plain Sight shows—
how a primary trauma leads across generations to secondary trauma;
the necessity for being honest with oneself about the fear and pain;
how intimate relationships such as marriage can at first challenge and then further the healing process;
if our parents are still alive, ways to encourage them to talk with us so that we may understand, and finally experience compassion and respect for them, no matter how they behave.
And then, says Dr. Grosskopf, we can truly become the conscious authors of our own healing story.

Note: This is a revised edition of a book published originally in hardcover as Forgive Your Parents, Heal Yourself and in paperback as Healing the Generations.

“Grosskopf, a Seattle psychiatrist, has written an extremely insightful book that will be of value to everyone who reads it.” Library Journal

“Grosskopf points out that every parent has her or his own personal history, and it’s worthwhile for the children to investigate it. Given this, it’s very plausible that taking their pasts for granted can blind scarred individuals from healing in the present.” Booklist

“An extraordinarily sensitive and compelling psychological narrative that will help all of us who are healers or patients, and thereby strengthen so many families whose members are lucky enough to connect with this book, its great and important wisdom.” —Robert Coles, Harvard University Health Services

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